Specialized Solution

Provide comprehensive service to build internationally standardized laboratories


The level of clinical pathological capability is an important indicator to measure the quality of medical care in the country and plays a vital role in hospital development since pathological diagnosis is the gold standard for medical diagnosis. With the development of molecular pathology, it is gradually highlighted with important position in overall medical service capabilities. Runda Medical provides a comprehensive pathology solution with product supply chain, digital pathology remote consultation and AI-assisted diagnosis.

Solution Overview

    Runda Medical has a complete supply chain of products to meet the requirements of pathology laboratory through integrated procurement and unified logistics/ distribution model, aims for quality and efficiency improvement in addition to cost reduction. In order to achieve this goal, we setup a diversified advisory library with large number of clinical experts and pathologists in different specialties to give training and a variety of technical supports through cloud pathology service platform.

    We also respond to the government policy of “Medical Alliance” construction plan by promoting in tiered medical service system, precision medicine and providing a comprehensive solution for the development of regional digital pathology diagnosis center. Hope these can really help the relevant policies of national healthcare reform plan to become down to earth practices, building adequate coverage and strong foundation during implementation.